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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - BlackRock: 900 Million Dollar Fund Dedicated to Circular Economy

The financial giant BlackRock, increasingly active in supporting green entrepreneurship, has launched a fund for the circular economy

We have addressed in the past, in an article, the slow but progressive interest of finance in entrepreneurial activities that take into account their environmental impact and how some financial companies, including banks, are moving to grant or revoke financing based precisely on the sustainability of the 'activity.

The BlackRock fund , which sits on various corporate boards of directors, is not new to these initiatives to the point that it has decided to manage capital directly linked to the world of the circular economy, as reported in this note from ANSA.

BlackRock's fund dedicated to the circular economy raised over 900 million dollars in one year.

The US fund giant announces this, recalling that the BlackRock Circular Economy Fund was established in October 2019 in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF).

The Fund has identified three groups of leading companies in the circular economy, included in the investment portfolio:

  • facilitators, i.e. companies that provide innovative and cutting-edge solutions, designed to directly promote circularity between companies and consumers;

  • adopters, i.e. companies that adopt the principles of the circular economy in order to achieve a significant positive impact on their value;

  • beneficiaries, i.e. companies that provide alternative materials or services, which contribute to the circular economy.

"It is encouraging to note the increase, year after year, in the number of companies that voluntarily publish the results of their activities in areas such as plastic pollution, product durability or the use of recycling processes and renewable sources", says Evy Hambro, Global Head of Thematic and Sector Investing at BlackRock.

"We are entering a new phase of recovery and regeneration, in which initiatives related to the circular economy, together with innovation and sustainable infrastructure, will play a priority role among investors, in light of the value generation opportunities they offer. ", said Thomas Fekete, Head of EMEA Sustainable Investment Strategy and Products at BlackRock.

Category: news - plastic - circular economy - finance - blackrock

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