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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rNEWS: Energy Transition. Companies and Universities Join Forces

Energy Transition. Companies and Universities join forces

The need for new and increasingly high skills in the environmental field and the sustainability of industrial production creates collaborations to improve general knowledge and skills.

The University of Padua and Eni signed a collaboration agreement today on the topics of energy transition, digital transformation and circular economy, as communicated by ENI, during an online meeting attended by the Rector of the University of Padua, Rosario Rizzuto, the President of Eni, Lucia Calvosa and the CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi.

The agreement, lasting three years, with the possibility of extension for up to five, consolidates the collaboration already started in crucial sectors for Eni, such as geology and geophysics, and identifies new strategic lines of research for sustainable development and decarbonisation : new technologies for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage and for the exploitation of solar energy as well as studies on magnetic confinement nuclear fusion.

Eni's administrator, Claudio Descalzi, commented: “We have signed an agreement of strategic importance which gives us great strength to achieve our decarbonisation objectives by 2050. This collaboration in the field of innovation lays the foundations for overcoming the challenges that companies and civil society are called to face thanks to the development of technologies for the future of energy".

The Rector of the University of Padua, Rosario Rizzuto , states: “The environment is a priceless heritage, which we have received and have the duty to preserve intact for future generations.

This is the philosophy that moves the University of Padua in vigorously pursuing objectives useful for increasing our environmental sustainability.

Multiple actions that are bearing fruit: only thanks to the purchase of energy from renewable sources, for example, we have reduced the university's emissions by 20%, avoiding the production of 18 thousand tons of CO2 per year. And the agreement signed with Eni goes precisely in the direction, crucial for us, of ever greater protection of the environment in which we live".

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