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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rNEWS: Microwave-safe Cups in Recyclable and Compostable Fiber

The American company Kraft Heinz is studying the production of fiber cups that can be reusable or recyclable, compostable and that can be inserted into the microwave without problems.

The company aims to make 100% of its packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.

Kraft Mac & Cheese , a brand owned by Chicago-based Kraft Heinz Co., announced that it is developing and testing the first fiber-based recyclable microwave cup . Once testing is complete, the brand will launch a new Kraft Mac & Cheese Shapes variety later in 2021 using the new cup and design.

According to a press release from Kraft Mac & Cheese , the fiber-based microwave cup currently on trial is microwave-safe and the same size as other packaging currently offered by the brand.

The brand also reports that it is eliminating the plastic label on this packaging through new direct printing technology. The company says the intent of the design change from plastic to fiber is to reduce plastic use and be both recyclable and compostable in industrial composting facilities.

Kraft says it is working with external partners to certify and incorporate appropriate recycling labeling to help consumers know what to do with packaging.

The company adds that this innovation supports Kraft Heinz Co.'s goal of becoming a more sustainable company. The company has a commitment to make 100 percent of its packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.

Category: news - plastic - circular economy - waste - packaging

by Megan Smalley

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