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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - Instrument for Air Analysis with Ion Mobility Gas Chromatography

Code: 9958. The instrument has been designed to carry out air controls, in analytical mode , in closed or open environments, where dispersion can occur of volatile substances that could be harmful to human or animal health.

Volatile chemicals can be perceived, in the form of odors from the nose, but they can be completely neutral and, therefore, inhaled without us being able to detect its presence.

Typical situations can occur:

• Inside the passenger compartment of cars or means of transport in general

• In work environments such as offices

• In production environments

• In agricultural activities

• In hospital or nursing homes

• In places for fun

• Other situations

The task of the machine, which is small and easily transportable , is to aspirate a quantity of air to be analyzed using ion mobility gas chromatography, returning, through a chemical analysis of the heated volatiles, the indications on the presence in the breathed air of chemical compounds that can be harmful.

Compound evaluation takes into account volatile parts of dimensions ppb to ppt for COC - SVOC and VSC.

Instrument Features

Separation / detection technique: Two-dimensional, separation by gas ion mobility chromatography

Ionization source: 3H, <300 MBq, hereinafter referred to as EUROATOM limit acc. to 2013/59 EURATOM Directive

Detection limit: Typically sub-ppb level

Flow control: Electronic pressure control

Sampling: 6-way valve (Cheminert®), integrated pump

Display: 6.4 "TFT

Data transfer: Modbus TCP, current loop, USB, Ethernet

Automated output result: Modbus TCP, current loop

Security features: Hardware watchdog, self-check of system parameters

Dimensions (L x W x H): 449 x 435 x 287 mm

Origin: Italy

Category: Machines and molds - air analysis - laboratory test machines - electronic nose

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