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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare

Are. Plast

Contact person: Federico AREZIO
Address: Via Bach 23, 24129 Bergamo, Italy
Description: Recycled polymer commercial consultancy. Audio.
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - pp (polypropylene) granule recycled for composter

Code: 3511. PP and recycled PP / PE granules from separate collection through the selection, grinding, washing, extrusion and coloring of the granules.

The recipes can be with a prevalent PP content (from 85%) or with a mix of PP / PE at 50% / 50%.

The colors are usually black or green.

The Melt Index depends on the size of the pieces to be made:

Decomposable composter: an MFI 5 to 8 is usually used

Monobloc Composter: usually an MFI from 10 to 15 is used

Products made with recycled granules can be recycled again.

Packaging: BB

Origin: Italy

Category: Recycled polymers - PP - granule - post consumer - composter - injection

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